
肠道卫士 文章编号:-10020 2024-05-31


Probiotics have been gaining popularity across the globe due to their numerous health benefits. In recent years, the demand for probiotics in the UK market has been steadily increasing. However, the demand for probiotics in the international market has been even more significant, especially in regions where traditional diets lack fermented food products. In this article, we will explore the trend of probiotic use in the international market, with a focus on the demand for probiotics in the UK.

The Need for Probiotics in the International Market

The benefits of probiotics in promoting better gut health and boosting immunity have been well-documented. However, in regions where traditional diets are low in fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt, probiotic supplements have become an essential part of the daily diet. In the Middle East and Africa, the lack of access to clean water and poor sanitation has led to an increase in digestive issues, making the demand for probiotics higher. Similarly, in regions across Asia, probiotics are becoming a staple for people seeking to reduce digestive disorders and boost their overall health.

The Evolution of the Probiotic Market in the UK

As consumers become more conscious about their health and wellbeing, the demand for probiotics in the UK market has been steadily growing over the years. The availability of probiotic products in supermarkets and health food stores have increased significantly, as more companies recognise the potential of this market. Consumers have also become more aware of the various strains of probiotics and their specific benefits, leading to an increase in the number of probiotic supplements on the market.

Market Segmentation and Demand

The probiotic market in the UK is segmented by product type, including supplements, food & beverages, and animal feed. Probiotic supplements, in particular, have seen a surge in demand, with consumers looking for specific strains of bacteria to cater to specific health needs. The most popular strains include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, which are known to boost immunity and regulate digestion. The demand for probiotics in animal feed has also seen a steady increase, with farmers recognising the potential of probiotics in improving animal health and productivity.


Regulatory Framework

In the UK, the probiotic market is regulated by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). The FSA is responsible for ensuring that all probiotic products comply with UK food law. The MHRA regulates any medicinal claims made on probiotic products and ensures that they are backed by scientific evidence. This regulatory framework assures consumers that the products they are buying are safe and effective for their intended use.


The demand for probiotics in the UK and the international market is expected to continue to grow as more people understand the health benefits of these supplements. The popularity of probiotics in the UK has allowed for a wider range of products to be available in the market, catering to the specific health needs of consumers. The regulations put in place by the FSA and MHRA ensure that consumers can trust the products they purchase, enhancing the credibility of the probiotic industry. As research on the benefits of probiotics continues, we can expect this trend to continue to grow both inside and outside the UK market.
